First, negative emotions block the flow of energy in the body. The latest thinking in quantum biology indicates that emotions trapped in the body have the real possibility of creating functional blockages in the neurology, the nervous system, so trapped emotions could actually cause the brain to send wrong signals to the various organs in the body, or perhaps no signals at all! That means that trapped emotions in the body, which we haven’t let go of, can be not only the source of discomfort, but also the source of other physical problems like heart attack.
Ten years ago, the Journal of the American Medical Association acknowledged that negative emotions can play a role in dis-ease. In a 30-year retrospective study of Type-A behavior, it was pointed out that the major contributing factor was anger. In the original study, done 30 years ago, Type-A Behavior was described as the “Hard-driving executive, working long hours, competitive, stressed out and angry. Well, this recent study indicated that it’s not the long hours, it’s not the stress, it’s not the hard work, it’s not the competition, it’s the anger that causes heart attack.
Second, negative emotions block the flow of success and keep us from achieving our goals. How many time has anger gotten in your way when you wanted to communicate something to a friend, co-worker or even worse, a close family member? Probably too often.
Third, they feel terrible. Think about a time when you felt angry in the past. Did you say to yourself, “Oh Gee, this feels great…I hope I can continue to feel this way all day.” No, of course not!
The Unconscious Mind and Negative Emotions:
Negative Emotions are stored at the unconscious Level—in the Unconscious Mind. Your Unconscious Mind doesn’t really want them there because they are not good for you! You need to know that your Unconscious Mind is a wonderful, loving, caring part of your entire being, and it really loves you. It looks up to you like a younger brother or sister, who might be age 5, 6,or 7. Your Unconscious Mind really loves you and wants to do what you ask it to do. The trouble is that for all these years you haven’t asked it to do anything, or if you have, you probably didn’t ask it in a way that would produce results.
Instead, you’ve probably suggested most things to your Conscious Mind, the part of your mind that you’re aware of, and its function is not necessarily about wanting to please you and do what you ask it to. Also, the Unconscious Mind really responds to praise and acknowledgement, just like we do and you probably haven’t known how to give it that acknowledgement either. In a Time Line Therapy™ session you’ll learn how to become a master communicator with your Unconscious Mind.

Your Unconscious Mind is the part of you that commands your heart to beat, 60 or 70 times a minute, to circulates your blood, to breathe, etc. It circulates your lymph system, it causes your immune system to work. It does all of that and a thousand times more. So if it can do these miraculous things so automatically, do you really think helping you to create things you want in your life would be difficult for it? Of course not. Once you learn how to communicate with your Unconscious Mind…it will automatically help you create the future that you want again and again and again.
First, negative emotions block the flow of energy in the body. The latest thinking in quantum biology indicates that emotions trapped in the body have the real possibility of creating functional blockages in the neurology, the nervous system, so trapped emotions could actually cause the brain to send wrong signals to the various organs in the body, or perhaps no signals at all! That means that trapped emotions in the body, which we haven’t let go of, can be not only the source of discomfort, but also the source of other physical problems like heart attack.
Ten years ago, the Journal of the American Medical Association acknowledged that negative emotions can play a role in dis-ease. In a 30-year retrospective study of Type-A behavior, it was pointed out that the major contributing factor was anger. In the original study, done 30 years ago, Type-A Behavior was described as the “Hard-driving executive, working long hours, competitive, stressed out and angry. Well, this recent study indicated that it’s not the long hours, it’s not the stress, it’s not the hard work, it’s not the competition, it’s the anger that causes heart attack.
Second, negative emotions block the flow of success and keep us from achieving our goals. How many time has anger gotten in your way when you wanted to communicate something to a friend, co-worker or even worse, a close family member? Probably too often.
Third, they feel terrible. Think about a time when you felt angry in the past. Did you say to yourself, “Oh Gee, this feels great…I hope I can continue to feel this way all day.” No, of course not!