For decades, Worries has been one of the most common complaints to Psychotherapists. If it persists over some time, Worries can interfere with work, relationships and even our sleep. For some, if Worries reaches the stage of panic then it can be really disabling.
The emotional basis for Worries is Fear. Unlike Fear, which relates primarily to the past, Worries is a future oriented emotion. So, Worries is basically Fear of the future.
The physical manifestation of Worries may be one of the more distressing features of the emotion. Generally, the symptoms include increased rate of breathing and heart rate, shaking, sweating, being light headed, tingling and numbness in the hands, feet, arms and legs—even choking symptoms. Because of its physical manifestations, Worries is almost impossible to ignore. It can be even tougher to overcome on your own.
The procedure for treating Worries is as simple and easy as any other Time Line Therapy™ technique. The process can be done by children as young as age 3 and adults as old as 90 years. Simply put, we treat Fear first and then Worries. The two emotions are, however treated differently.
Using Time Line Therapy™, Fear (related to the past) is treated in the same way as any other negative emotion — it is released using the process for releasing negative emotions.
Worries, although relating to the future can also be released using Time Line Therapy™, although the procedure is different. Simply put, the client is asked to imagine floating above his Time Line and to go to a point above and after the “successful completion” of the event. In most every case, the Worries disappears at that point.
Time Line Therapy™ is so effective in treating Worries, that it has been used by the Russian Psychologists to treat the soldiers traumatized in the Chechen war. Here is an excerpt from a Russian web site with the study that included Time Line Therapy™. The results included, “Solving of individual problems of participants-decreasing of Worries and depression, reestablishment of the cycle ‘sleep-awaking’…”
Positive Psychotherapy for soldiers, who took part in Chechen war.
The fragment below has been translated by a non-native English speaker:
Program was financed by Department of Psychotherapy for soldiers who took part in Chechen war and their families – thus “Svetly Krug” was realized. 392 men and 278 women (totaling 670 persons) received help.
Purpose of the program
1. Adoptation of soldiers for peace life, solution of family conflicts.
2. Psychologistic and medical diagnosing of posttraumatic stress, worries and depression of participants.
3. Prophylactic of alcoholism, drug addict and aggressive behaviour.
On the first stage of the program “Svetly Krug” psychotherapist`s work consisted of two parts
a) diagnostic and individual psychotherapy
b) “positive Antistress Behaviour” group training
Every participant of the program attended five two-hours consultations with a psychologist and a psychotherapist. The effectiveness of the consultations first of all depended on capacities of the specialist to listen with patience, empathy and to add different points of view in conditions of empathy, authenticity, acceptance, the transcultural and positive change of view.

A.1. Psychologistic and medical (psychiatric) diagnostic – 2 h. included a using of special complex of psychodiagnostic methodics and psychometric scales (HADS, HARS, WPPF)
A.2. Psychotherapy and psychological help was based on Five-steps model by N. Peseschcian- 10h. There was used: First interview, specially selected Eastern stories, that give intuitive dimension to consulting, time-line therapy, techniques of empty chair and nonfinished letter, that help to part with lost relative, ask to forgive. Method of relaxing by Jekobson-Peseschkian helped to raise inner stress and normalize sleep.
B. Group training was counted on 20 days (2 days, 10h. a day). The quantity of participants was more than 20 persons.
First stage of the program “Svetly Krug” have been held from 12.2000 till 06.2001 in 8 towns and regions of Primorsky: Vladivostok, Arsenyev, Boloshy Kamen, Dalnerechensk, in Michailovsky, Oktyabrsky, Dalnerechensky, Chugyevsky regions. 288 men and 136 women (414 persons in whole) received help.
Second stage of the “Svetly Krug” program
1. Analysis and work up of the first stage dates: results of psychological tests, data of medical investigation, questionnaires participants of the program, diaries of self-supervision, and reflection of psychologists, psychiatrists, and psychotherapists, who took part in program realization, data of supervision sessions.
2. Elaborating of a brief version with a purpose to reduce expenses.
3. Prophylactic of an increasing of social stress disorders and negative tendency of individual development for persons, who took part in local wars and their families.
4. Training participants for searching a work, elaborating of the individual professional career scripts
Second stage of the “Svetly Krug” program have been held from 09.2001 in 8 towns and regions of Primorsky: Vladivostok, Arsenyev, Bolshoy Kamen, Dalnerechensky, in in Michailovsky, Oktyabrsky, Dalnerechensky, Chugyevsky regions. 104 men and 142 women (totaling 246 persons) received help.
1. Attracting attention of different state and non-state organizations to the problems of rehabilitation of soldiers, who took part in local wars and families.
2. Example of step-by-step solving of the difficult social problem in conditions of limited financing.
3. Solving of individual problems of participants-decreasing of worries and depression, reestablishment of the cycle “sleep-awaking”, prophylactic of the using drugs. Stimulate of the adaptation in socium.
4. The experience of realization the program was discussed on the international conference “Family problems at present”, Vladivostok, 2001
Some articles was published in regional newspapers “Vladivostok”, “Utro Rossii”, Put k uspehu” for the best promotion of the program. The draft of the invitation letter and poster informing about place and time of consultations has been created. Information from recruitment offices, regional public rehabilitating organization for soldiers was used. Because of limited financial expenses of the possible participants the personal informing and explaining of every participants took place.
1. Increasing of quantity of the regions
2. Increasing of quantity of professionals, conducting the program
3. Preparing of the systematic materials about self-help for participants and their family (formulas of self-hypnosis, examples of “psychologistic serum” by N.Pesechkian (1997a), specially selected metaphors and oriental stories, technologies of solving family conflicts and work searching etc.)
4. Organizing of self-help groups and clubs for soldiers and their families in different regions of Primorye (creation of example work program, selection of video and audio materials, training consultants from employment Service for work with soldiers and their families, training leaders for self-help groups and clubs)
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